Chhota Bheem is an Indian animated series adventures about a boy named Bheem and his friends in fictional village of Dholakpur.Bheem and his friends are usually involved in protecting the village from various evil forces.
After a tragic accident, an amnesiac teen tries to rebuild her life at a memory disorders center but becomes suspicious of her unconventional treatment.
The cult hit is back AGAIN! Captured by mad scientists, returning host Jonah and new host Emily survive a blitz of cheesy B movies by riffing on them with their funny robot pals.
Based on the speculative short stories of MirrorFiction, this sci-fi thriller anthology plunges headlong into our deepest desires -- and darkest fears.
The lives of a group of teenagers are disrupted when a spiritual figure appears in front of them in the ancient city of Petra. They must try and stop Jinn from destroying the world.