Chizuko Date is an otaku girl who lives in a city in Niigata Prefecture. Chizuko is obsessed with Berry Blossom, the magical girl who protects the city. However, Chroma — the leader of the local evil organization Fossa Magna — is inept and weak, so hardly anyone else cares about Berry Blossom and Chroma's frequent battles anymore. Chizuko vows to shine a light on the magical girl's exploits — and this fervent desire takes this seemingly shy middle school girl down a dark path filled with strange folks...
Is Acro Trip on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Title | Air Date | Duration | ||
Season 1 | Episode 1 | Episode 1 | 2024-10-02 | 30 min |
Directing | Ayumu Kotake | Series Director |
Visual Effects | Toshie Kawamura | Character Designer |
Writing | Shin'ichi Inotsume | Series Composition |
Sound | Ryo Tanaka | Sound Director |
Art | Miwa Kawasaki | Art Direction |
Sound | Youhei Matsui | Original Music Composer |
Writing | Yone Sawata | Comic Book |
Sound | Tomohisa Ishikawa | Original Music Composer |
Sound | Tohru Fujimura | Original Music Composer |
Art | Eriko Kubokawa | Prop Designer |
Camera | Kento Kida | Director of Photography |
Editing | Keisuke Yanagi | Editor |
Art | Tomoyasu Fujise | Art Designer |
Visual Effects | Miho Hasegawa | Color Designer |
Sound | Inori Minase | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | kanoeRana | Theme Song Performance |