Ultraman Cosmos is a Japanese tokusatsu TV show being the 17th show in the Ultra Series. Produced by Tsuburaya Productions, Ultraman Cosmos aired from July 7, 2001 to September 28, 2002, with a total of 65 episodes, which currently makes it the longest running Ultra Show to date. Ultraman Cosmos was also the 35th anniversary for the Ultraman series
In June 2002, Cosmos was taken off of television for several weeks when lead actor Taiyou Sugiura was questioned in an assault and extortion case. When the case against Sugiura was dropped for lack of evidence, Cosmos was put back on the air. TBS and Tsuburaya ultimately pulled five episodes from broadcast to make up for time lost, and these episodes were later released on DVD.
Is Ultraman Cosmos on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Directing | Tsugumi Kitaura | Director |
Directing | Miki Nemoto | Director |
Directing | Masaki Harada | Director |
Directing | Ryuichi Ichino | Director |
Directing | Kazuya Konaka | Director |
Directing | Hiromitsu Muraishi | Director |
Directing | Takeshi Yagi | Director |
Writing | Nobusuke Ônishi | Writer |
Writing | Keiichi Hasegawa | Writer |
Writing | Masakazu Migita | Writer |
Writing | Atsushi Maekawa | Writer |
Writing | Yū Yamamoto | Writer |
Writing | Satoshi Suzuki | Writer |
Writing | Hideyuki Kawakami | Writer |
Writing | Junki Takegami | Writer |
Writing | Satoru Nishizono | Writer |
Writing | Aika Ohta | Writer |
Writing | Kengo Kaji | Writer |
Writing | Soutarou Hayashi | Writer |