Perfect Son is comedy-drama television series co-starring Ryosuke Yamada and Kyōka Suzuki, which aired on NTV from 21:00-21:54 on Saturday nights from 14 January 2012 to 17 March 2012. The screenplay was written by Shinji Nojima.
Is Perfect Son on Netflix? Unfortunately this serie is not yet available on Netflix.
Production | Matsubara Hiroshi | Producer |
Directing | Satoru Nakajima | Director |
Production | Eriko Mikami | Producer |
Directing | Masahiro Morita | Director |
Writing | Shinji Nojima | Screenplay |
Directing | Noriyoshi Sakuma | Director |
Production | Fukui Yuta | Producer |
Production | Kuniko Yanai | Producer |
Sound | Hey! Say! JUMP | Theme Song Performance |